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Council approves amendment request by Burger King, makes way for demolition of current building and construction of new

At their May 6th meeting, the Council approved a request made by the owner of the Burger King to amend the legally defined area within the B-1 General Commercial District to include the entire lot where the restaurant is located. Currently only the north half of the lot is in the legally defined area. This change will allow the owner to demolish the existing building and construct a new restaurant on the same site. A public meeting was held at the beginning of the evening’s Council meeting. Ben Warntjes spoke on behalf of Cave Enterprises and stated that the owner wishes to refresh the property. The parking lot will be redone, and an exterior playground added.

With the recent changes made by Dunn County to add designated ATV routes on adjacent county highways and town roads, at the April 14th Council Meeting, the Council requested that additional designated ATV routes within the city be prepared for review. 

Proposed map

The Council directed city staff to prepare a draft ordinance amending City Code 6-1-12 based on the proposed designated ATV route map. A draft ordinance could possibly be introduced at the May 20 council meeting. The Council approved the existing ATV routes in February 2022.

Existing map

In other business:

  • The Council referred ordinance 2024-08, amending the residential side yard setbacks for corner lots to the Plan Commission for review. The amendment would reduce street side yard setbacks to a flat 10 fee in residential areas.

  • The Council approved a resolution enacting alternate side lawn irrigation restrictions through September 1, 2024.

  • The Council approved the Wakanda Waterpark 2024 Concession Agreement with Jonathan Kroening DBA Wakanda Waterpark Concessions.

  • The Council approved the development agreement with Menomonie Holdings 1, LLC for industrial development in TID #18.

  • The Council approved the Wisconsin DNR Recreational Boating Grant Agreement for Point Comfort Park in the amount of $244,191.50. This grant will pay for boat ramp improvements at Point Comfort Park.

  • The Council approved the mayor’s appointments as follows: Barbara Hauck to the Urban Forestry Board and Andrea Renada to the Library Board of Trustees.

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