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Notes for the Week - March 21st

Save the Date - May 18th - for the Mabel Tainter's 4th Annual Mabel Community Celebration! Enjoy a variety of delicious food from the food trucks, jam out to live music, peruse through the Artisan Market, and have fun with the whole community. This event is open to everyone!


Jeremy Gragert, Coordinator of Wisconsin Climate Table, recently gave a presentation at Dragon Tale Books about living without a car. If you missed it but are interested in learning more, you can find a video recording and the referenced links HERE.


The Foster Closet is looking for donations for their upcoming Spring Giveaway Event and Raffle. Needed items include new games, equipment, activities to encourage outdoor play (chalk, sports equipment, hula hoops, kites, etc.), summer sandals in all sizes. They are also seeking raffle baskets. Items can be shipped directly to the Foster Closet at 3375 Kothlow Ave., Suite 40, Menomonie WI 54751. Monetary donations through Venmo are also appreciated - venmo: @wifostercloset.


A beautiful picture from the Mabel Tainter Theater!


The UW Stout Gymnastics teams is headed back to the National Championships this year. Here's a link to a clip from WQOW.


This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the TV show Little House on the Prairie. There is a celebration scheduled in early May in Pepin and LaCrosse. Learn more about this event HERE.


IRS email scam - Taxpayers are receiving an email that appears to be from the IRS with what appears to be legitimate graphics/wording but is NOT from the IRS.  These emails are stating they are holding your refund until you confirm information. The IRS never initiates contact with taxpayers by email, text or social media regarding a tax bill or tax refund.  The IRS will always initiate contact by US mail.  Likewise for state revenue offices, states will initiate contact by US mail (not email, text or social media).


1989, 35 years ago...


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