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MMS and MHS Science Olympiad teams place in top 3 at state competition

On Saturday, April 1st, students from both Menomonie Middle School and High School participated in the 2023 State Science Olympiad Competition at UW-Milwaukee. Both teams had an outstanding day with the middle school varsity team finishing 2nd out of 48 teams and the high school varsity team finishing 3rd out of 56 teams.

Science Olympiad is a competition in which teams compete in events pertaining to various fields of science. Events fall into five main categories: Life, Personal, and Social Science, Earth & Space Science, Physical Science & Chemistry, Technology & Engineering, Inquiry & Nature of Science. They are either knowledge-based, hands-on, or engineering-based.

The Menomonie Middle School team is coached by MHS teacher Natalie Topper, and MMS teachers Amy Zuber-Seguin and Rachel Scott. The high school team is coached by MHS teachers Bill Dingwall, Michele Huppert, and Jesse Weinberger.

Congratulations to both teams on representing Menomonie so well!

Middle School Medalists

1st place

Oliver Lugo and Jai Hasse - Rocks and Minerals

Mathew Snavely and Jai Hasse - Write it Do it

Mathew Snavely and Nora Trotter - Road Scholar

2nd place

Oliver Lugo, Emily Hoyland, and Noah Winder - Codebusters

Oliver Lugo and Mathew Snavely - Fast Facts

Eleanor Beck and Ellie Moulder - Horticulture

Carly Weber and Andrew Heckendorf - Meteorology

3rd place

Mathew Snavely and Tim Berends - Bridge

Nora Skorczewski and Andrew Heckendorf - Disease Detectives

Oliver Lugo, Emily Hoyland, and Noah Winder - Experimental Design

Nora Skorczewski and Eleanor Beck - Virology

Tim Berends and Otis Yonko - Wheeled Vehicle

4th place

Jai Hasse and Otis Yonko - Can't Judge a Powder Nora Skorczewski and Carly Weber - Dynamic Planet

Logan Topper, Noah Winder, Tim Berends - Picture This

Ellie Moulder and Alex Heckendorf - Sounds of Music

Logan Topper and Noah Winder - Storm the Castle

5th place

Emily Hoyland and Ellie Moulder - Crime Busters

Alex and Andrew Heckendorf - Flight

Nora Trotter and Jai Hasse - Forestry

6th place

Eleanor Beck and Andrew Heckendorf - Anatomy and Physiology

Logan Topper and Otis Yonko - Crave the Wave

Otis Yonko and Nora Trotter - Green Generation

The middle school was able to take JV team to the state competition as well. Members of that team that earned medals are Mia Osterhaus, Ethan Nyirongo Brianna Klimek, James Kong, Seth Ray, Sydney Norby, Toni Fiorani, Carly Zack, Oliver Kerze, Ryan Hulbert, and Ella Weinberger.

High School Medalists

1st place:

Damian Gray and Grant Burns - Dynamic Planet

2nd place:

Grant Burns & Am Liu - Cell Biology

Sam Seguin & David Ding - Remote Sensing

Damian Gray & Chance Gundlach - Rocks & Minerals

3rd place:

Hayleigh Husby & Kajsiab Xiong - Disease Detectives

Sam Seguin & Zeke Stauffer - Environmental Chemistry

Kajsiab Xiong & Ben Seguin - Forensics

Grant Burns & Anna Imsande - Geocaching

Peter Bendel & Damian Gray - It's About Time

Amy Liu & Hayleigh Husby - Precision Medicine

4th place:

Amy Liu & Grant Burns - Virology

Anne Dye & Anna Imsande - Write It Do It

5th place:

Peter Bendel & Sam Seguin - Astronomy

Peter Bendel, Emmett Ogden & Ben Seguin - Codebusters

Peter Bendel & Emmett Ogden - Fermi Questions

David Ding & Amy Liu - Robocross

6th place:

Anne Dye & Grant Burns - Anatomy & Physiology

David Ding & Peter Bendel - Detector Building

Sam Seguin & Emmett Ogden - Green Generation

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