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Notes for the Week - October 31st

The Caring Closet will be open Saturday, November 2nd from 10 am - 12 pm, and 5 pm -7 pm on Wednesday, November 6th. The Caring Closet, located at the New Life Nazarene Church basement at 1002 8th St, Menomonie, offers new and used clothing at no charge. Donations are accepted when they are open.


An easy (and inexpensive) way to help out the Foster Closet - these large bags are available at Marshall's and TJ Maxx for about $1. Picture and pattern aren't important. For Christmas they need around 300 bags! They can be drop them during open hours (first and third Sundays from 12 to 3) or make an appointment. Monetary donations are always welcome as well - venmo @wifostercloset.


Here's an interesting news piece from WCCO in the Twin Cities about a circus billboard from 1885 that was discovered when remodeling was being done at the Corral Bar in Durand. If you've never seen it in person, it is definitely worth the drive.


Menomonie Dam Construction Update!

This week, crews at the Menomonie dam site continued working from the floating barge to install the concrete piling wall.

This wall will provide permanent shoreline protection on the south bank of the lake upstream of the dam.

The photo shows the drill rig that bore the vertical holes in preparation for the concrete column placement.

On this Facebook post someone asked when this project would be done. The answer was the beginning of December.


Save the Date: The fourth annual Winterlude Market (formerly Winter Market) at Brewery Nonic will be on Dec 7. This event includes an outdoor vendor market, food truck, campfires, music, and more. If you are interested in being a vendor, apply HERE. Posted in the What's Happening in (and around Menomonie) Facebook group.


45 years ago...

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