On Tuesday, March 19, the School District of the Menomonie Area was notified that Menomonie High School student Madison Kwak and Menomonie Middle School Principal Bart Boettcher were selected for awards from the Herb Kohl Foundation.
Kwak, a senior at Menomonie High School, was one of 100 Wisconsin students to be selected for a Kohl Excellence Scholarship. Excellence scholarships, currently $10,000 per student, are awarded to graduating high school students each year. The statewide competitive selection process begins at the local level, with the number of nominations from each high school based on enrollment. The applications of local nominees are sent to regional screening panels, composed of teachers, administrators, civic leaders and community representatives. Final selection is made by a statewide committee composed of civic leaders, representatives from the Wisconsin Council of Religious and Independent Schools, Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation, Cooperative Educational Service Agencies, Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association, and several other education-related associations. Scholarship recipients are chosen for their demonstrated academic potential, outstanding leadership, citizenship, community service, integrity and other special talents.
Principal Boettcher is one of 16 school administrators in Wisconsin to be selected for a Kohl Leadership Award. The Leadership Award was established in 2016 to recognize outstanding Wisconsin principals in grades pre-K through 12. Award recipients are chosen for setting high standards for instruction, achievement and character, and creating a climate to best serve students, families, staff, and community. Annually principals/school administrators receive awards, currently $6,000 per principal, and each award recipient's school receives a matching $6,000 grant.
Congratulations to Madison Kwak and Principal Boettcher on this well-deserved recognition!