A self-service kayak rental kiosk may be available at Lakeside Park this summer.
The Council approved an agreement with Rent.Fun to install the kiosk at a cost of $18,000. The kiosk is operated via an app that users download to their cell phones. The rental cost is adjustable, but the suggested amount is $25 for two hours, with the City getting 50% of the fee.
Rent.Fun would provide and install the kiosk, kayaks, paddles, and life jackets and maintain them for five years. The City would provide the poured concrete slab. The Menomonie Area Chamber & Visitor Center has agreed to fund a portion of the cost, and the City will use ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds to pay for its share. The agreement is contingent upon final review by the City Attorney.
In other business...
The Council approved Change Order #7 with Cedar Falls Building Systems for the Stepping Stones Homeless Shelter project. The order includes several additions and subtractions that resulted in a net deduction of $5,983.56. The City of Menomonie is the contract owner for grant purposes and must approve all changes.
The Council authorized a change in liability carrier insurance. Coverage was increasing with the current carrier, EMC Insurance. Transitioning to Community Insurance Corporation is expected to save the City between $58,866 and $113,012 depending on claims filed during the year.
The Council approved purchasing a new financial software package for the City. The current system is approximately 40 years old and has been problematic for quite a while. Civic Systems will cost $188,900 for the first year, with an annual maintenance cost of $35,805. This annual cost is about $6,000 less than the current system the City uses.
The Council approved the appointed election inspectors for January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2025. Some of the election inspectors were nominated by the two major political parties. Unaffiliated election inspectors were nominated by City Clerk Kate Martin.
The Council approved a new lease agreement with Christmas Miracle for the property at 802 Tainter Street NE. Christmas Miracle maintains two ice skating rinks on the property during the winter months.
Joe Zydowsky, superintendent for the School District of the Menomonie Area, gave a brief presentation regarding the upcoming school referendum.
Neil Koch gave a presentation regarding private wells and septic systems in and adjacent to the City of Menomonie.