Lowell Prange recognized for 35 years of service, Habitat for Humanity to build a total of six units in the city, and possible improvements at the airport

Prior to the start of the April 3rd City Council meeting, Mayor Randy Knaack recognized retiring City Administrator Lowell Prange for his 35 years of service to the City of Menomonie. Mr. Prange’s last day is April 10th.
The Habitat for Humanity twin home project in Menomonie will build six units over the next 18 months. To support this project, an ordinance was introduced to change the zoning of six lots at 1240 Brickyard Road from General Industrial and Single Family Residential to Limited Family Twin Home Residential. One twin home (two units) will be completed this summer, one this fall, and the final home will be built in the summer of 2024.
In other business:
Environmental program director Megen Hines presented an application for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Carbon Reduction Grant. This federally funded program would provide 80% of the cost to convert the city’s existing street lighting - 325 tall light poles and 154 decorative fixtures - from high-pressure sodium bulbs to LED bulbs. The grant is for $138,213. The city would have a 20% required match totaling $34,553 plus labor and installation costs. Cost savings for the city with the LED bulbs would be approximately $30,000 annually.
The Council authorized city administration to proceed with the sale of General Obligation Corporate Bonds in the amount of $2,590,000 for capital projects, including several street projects, Wakanda Water Park retrofitting, and water plant upgrades; and General Obligation Promissory Notes in the amount of $2,450,000 for equipment upgrades and stormwater utility improvements.
The Council adopted a property annexation request from Cedarbrook Church for approximately 7.28 acres of land currently in the Town of Menomonie. This request will be referred to the Plan Commission.
Cory Buss submitted a proposed zoning ordinance amendment for the property at 1416 Brickyard Road. The property is currently zoned Agriculture, and he is requesting a change to General Industrial to allow for a permitted commercial use adjacent to State Hwy 29. The Council did support forwarding this to the Plan Commission. Before the change is adopted, a public hearing will be held, and property neighbors will be notified.
The city adopted previously introduced rezoning ordinance amendments for Stepping Stones. The changes were needed due to the shifting of lot lines identified in preparation for the construction of the new homeless shelter.
The Council approved updated building inspection fees. The fees were last updated in 2007 and will align with neighboring cities.
The Council adopted the updated Urban Forestry ordinance amendment.
The Council approved the Menomonie Fire Department’s Hazardous Materials Response Agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs to handle spills and other incidents as part of a regional team in Western Wisconsin.
March 20th City Council Meeting
The Council held a public hearing regarding a petition for state and federal aid for possible improvement projects at the Menomonie Municipal Airport. Potential projects listed in the petition include the construction of a new hangar, installation of an approach lighting system, reconstruction or rehabilitation of hangar taxiways, replacement of the Automated Weather Observation Station (AWOS), widening of runway 9/27, relocating and improving fuel systems, seal coating and crack filling airfield pavements and conducting an airport master plan.
The one-million-dollar hangar project would be eligible for 80% state or federal funding since it is revenue-generating. Non-revenue generating improvement would be eligible for 90-95% funding. After the hearing, the Council did adopt a resolution approving the petition.
In other business:
The Council awarded a bid in the amount of $226,500 to Advanced Tank Service to replace the fueling system at the Community Services Department. Due to leaking concerns, the underground tanks will be removed and replaced with above-ground tanks. Completion is estimated to be late summer or early fall of 2023.
The Council approved the mayor’s appointment of Eric Atkinson as the new city administrator.
The Council approved the developers’ agreement with Menomonie Development, LLC for Estover Terrace, authorizing incentives of up to $1,300,000 through the tax increment financing process. The Council authorized the agreement at the March 6th meeting.
The Council approved the 2022 Annual Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Report, which the DNR requires.
The Council authorized a three-year lease with Workforce Development Board of West Central Wisconsin for space on the 3rd floor of City Hall.
Mayor Knaack shared that the city has been awarded a grant from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin for $141,025 for improvements to City Hall’s HVAC system.