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City Council leaves Main Street as is if Highway 29 relocates to 6th Street

At their meeting on August 19th, the City Council decided to make no changes to Main Street if, in the future, Highway 29 relocates from Main Street to 6th Street.

City staff have been in discussions with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to possibly transfer Highway 29 to 6th Street to reduce truck traffic on Main Street. The change would allow the city flexibility on the configuration of Main Street.

Possible options included converting the 300 block of Main Street to a one-way road in the east bound direction or converting the 300 block to a pedestrian mall.

Public Works Director David Schofield spoke with several downtown property owners and a presentation was made at the July 17th Downtown Menomonie Board meeting. He indicated that conversion to a pedestrian mall was met with negative feedback though there was some support for the one-way road.

Ultimately the Council decided to leave things as they are at this time, noting that there may be other options available to deter truck traffic if Highway 29 is relocated. If WIDOT does decide to the relocation of Highway 29, the changes would be made no earlier than 2029.

In other business the Council:

Awarded the contract for the demolition of the house at 1431 Knapp Street to T&R Recycling, LLC at a cost of $18,869. The City issued a Notice and Order to Repair or Raze and Remove the home on February 8, 2024. The homeowner failed to comply within 90 days and on July 3, 2024, the Circuit Court granted a raze order. The City has been working with the homeowner to remove items and relocate.

Approved the 2024-2025 Goose Hunt by the Menomonie Police Department in Wakanda Park, Wolske Bay Park, Lakeside Park, Point Comfort Park, and the airport. The City is hoping to reduce the goose populations in those areas. Hunts will take place between September 1 and December 16 in both 2024 and 2025. The following procedures will be followed:

Approved the Development Agreement with Cedar Corporation for the redevelopment of 604 Wilson Avenue in TID #19. Upon completion of Cedar Corp's new office building, property taxes will be paid on both the base value of the property and the increased value. The City will reimburse Cedar Corp for a percentage of the tax collected on the increased value.

Approved a Class C wine license for Hive and Hollow, LLC.

Public Works Director David Schofield advised the Council that the Environmental Protection Agency has mandated that community water systems prepare a lead service line inventory. This includes both the public water lateral (between the meter main and the property line) and the private water lateral (between the property line and the house or business). The City will be distributing the survey with the annual Environmental Newsletter. The survey can be completed either electronically or on paper.

City Administrator Eric Atkinson shared that Adam Accola has been hired as the Executive Director of Economic Development. This new position is a collaboration between the City of Menomonie, Dunn County, the Greater Menomonie Development Corporation, the Dunn County Economic Development Corporation, and UW-Stout.


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