One of our major grants (Victims of Crime Act) or VOCA, has been cut at the federal level by 70%. There is a bill going through legislation to increase this funding in Wisconsin. Last week, this bill (AB940) passed unanimously on the assembly floor, and its counterpart (SB877) and will move to the Senate for a vote.
Contact District 10 Senator Stafsholt and share that we are thankful to see AB940 pass unanimously on the assembly floor and ask that he work to bring its counterpart, SB877, to the floor of the Senate for a vote, and vote yes on its passage.
Talking points and a sample letter are in the comments of this post for you to copy/paste if you choose to do so. Each action makes a huge difference in ensuring this critical funding reaches our community!
If you have any questions about The Bridge to Hope’s position on this issue,
please contact 715-235-9074 or mollym@thebridgetohope.org.
From the Bridge to Hope Facebook page.