At the City Council meeting on September 5th, Recreation Director Mitch Stai presented the Wakanda Water Park Season Review. The pool nearly broke even this year with income of $136,037.55 and expenses of $136,325.00. Attendance this year was 28,652 despite two major fecal incidents that closed the pool for several days and several more minor fecal incidents with shorter closures.
Several leaks were repaired before the waterpark opened, which greatly helped reduce the cost of water, electricity, and gas. The fecal incidents did account for increased expenses in chemicals. Each major incident required approximately $1200 in chemicals.
The Council inquired about the availability of swim diapers at the waterpark. Stai noted that they are available for $1. Stai and other city staff will look at ways to promote swim diaper usage.
Stai noted that staffing was not an issue this year. The pool never had to close due to lack of staff; it was only closed for incidents that were out of their control - weather and fecal incidents.
In related pool news, the Council rejected a bid to upgrade the pool filter system to a sand filter. The one bid that was received was significantly higher than what was estimated. City staff will work with Cedar Corp to rebid it before the end of 2023, with possible construction in August of 2024.
In other business:
The Council approved an Independent Contractor Consulting Agreement between the City of Menomonie and Former City Treasurer Heidi Olson. Olson will be assisting the City’s finance department on an as-needed basis. The contract runs from September 15, 2023, to December 31, 2024.
The Council approved a contract renewal with Kleven Property Assessment to provide assessment services for the City. This is a three-year contract for January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2026.
The Council approved a Property Damage Release Agreement between the City of Menomonie and David and Lynn Bonjour. The City has agreed to pay for replacing a portion of the Bonjour’s driveway damaged during spray patching by city crews last summer.
The Council approved the sale of Lot 28 of CSM 2557 in the City’s Industrial Park for $195,000 to Wilkens Properties LLC. The buyer plans to construct and operate Jerry’s Towing and Truck & Trailer Repair. A similar facility is located in Roberts, WI.
The Council accepted a 2024 Clean Sweep Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection in the amount of $11,508.28.
Approved the termination of the City’s lease with Artema Somatics LLC.
Approved the fire department’s and building inspection department’s proposal to amend ordinance Title 9, Chapter 3 Fire Code to adopt Wisconsin Statute SPS 314.01(13)(b) in its entirety into the city code. Previously, just a small portion of the Wisconsin Statute was in the city code. This change will give these departments more latitude with inspections for commercial buildings.
The Council approved the following special event requests:
The Menomonie High School Homecoming Parade on September 22nd.
The Chris Kroeze concert after the Homecoming Parade on September 22nd.
Historic Beer Walk in Downtown Menomonie on October 1st.
Mayor’s Report
The Mayor and Administrator Atkinson presented Project Hope at a conference in Washington DC last week.
The City is working on improving the grounds around the city building.
The City is also working on creating public access to the lake bank tral..
Other communications
Administrator Atkinson shared that Amy Gjestson, who began duties as the City Treasurer/Comptroller on June 1st, is no longer with the City.
PWD Schofield shared that Heller Road will be repaved either this fall or next spring. Repaving will start at the Wilson Creek Bridge and extend approximately 1000 feet east to the top of the hill. The City will put up a sign notifying of the impending closure.