On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, the School District of the Menomonie Area (SDMA) was presented with the Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) President’s Award. This recognition is given annually to one school district that demonstrates a strong commitment to partnership between K12 and the College.
The SDMA has enjoyed a long-standing partnership with CVTC in offering dual enrollment options for students at Menomonie High School. Students have the option to enroll in coursework completed at MHS, as well as at CVTC campuses leading to the earning of both high school and post-secondary credits.
The President’s award is presented based on the following criteria:
A recognition of effort of advocacy within the school districts for dual enrollment partnership with CVTC
The creating and sharing of best practices with other districts, community groups, legislators, or other educators
The promotion of college credit opportunities to other schools
Recipients of the President’s award also receive a $500 stipend donated by the CVTC Foundation, Inc for the district to use in support ongoing efforts in partnership with CVTC dual credit enrollment.
In the fall of 2020, the SDMA expanded existing dual enrollment offerings to include a Business Management Academy that provides students the option of earning an Associate’s Degree in Business Management in tandem with a High School Diploma. A Health Care Academy was launched at MHS in 2023 and an Electrical Maintenance Academy is planned for the 2024-25 school year.
SDMA media release.