Boo'z Bar in Knapp is having their 6th Annual Cancer Fundraiser this Saturday, October 7th. Two of the volunteers made an appearance on WEAU this week. Watch it HERE. Be sure to stop by this event this weekend, there is something for everyone - music, food, shopping, and entertainment. Find out more HERE.
Travel Wisconsin's Fall Color Map can be found HERE.
A recording of Community Conversation's presentation "The Future of Healthcare" can be found HERE on the Wiscommunity website.
Thrill Seekers is a social group for adults with disabilities that meets Thursdays at the Leisure Services Center. If you would like to learn more about Thrill Seekers, contact the Parks and Recreation office at 715-232-1664 or stop in the office. They would love to connect more adults to this great group.
The Dunn County Fish and Game Association released their pheasants. New this year, they added bands to the birds. They are asking that you share a picture if you come across one.
Love Church in Menomonie recently hosted an event called AWAKE where dozens of people slept outside to raise awareness about worldwide homelessness. WQOW was there covering the event. You can watch the newsclip HERE.
Chippewa Valley Bookfest is coming up. Learn more about it HERE.
The Center for Independent Living Western Wisconsin manages a for sale/donation list for AT, medical equipment, etc. Please click THIS LINK to see the list.
Saturday (10/7) is Rocket Rendezvous at the Rassbach Museum. It includes a live Q&A with Tyler Theberge, Deputy Chief Engineer, Delta IV at 4 Space Launch Squadron, United States Air Force. You can see the launch of Atlas 5, one of the many rockets he's worked on HERE.
The Valley's Markers Market is looking for vendors for the upcoming sale on October 15th. An application can be found HERE.
Wisconsin DMV's road test waiver program is ending. The program, which allowed parents to sign a waiver to allow first time teen drivers to get their license rather taking a road test, was started during COVID. All first-time teen drivers will now be required to take the road test starting January 1, 2024.
The Neighbors of Dunn County opened 10 years ago this month. Here is a VIDEO that was posted on their Facebook page.