The City of Menomonie recently sent out the Fourth Quarter 2024 Utility Bills, approximately two weeks behind our normal schedule. Due to this delay, the payment deadline for the Q4 Utility Bills has been extended to February 14, 2025. Late fees will not be charged as long as payment is received by February 14, 2025.
The City accepts the following methods of payment:
Residents can pay by cash, check, or credit card at the Finance Department Window, which is located on the 1st floor, Northeast wing, of City Hall (800 Wilson Avenue, Menomonie, WI 54751). Credit card payments will incur a service charge.
Residents can pay by check deposited in the Payment Drop Box near the west entrance (Wilson Park side) of City Hall (800 Wilson Avenue, Menomonie, WI 54751). Please include your account number.
Residents can pay by check mailed to City Hall (800 Wilson Avenue, Menomonie, WI 54751). Please include your account number and proper postage.
Residents can pay by credit card or electronic debit from a bank account at https://menomoniewi.ourcommunityconnect.com/. Credit card and electronic debit payments will incur a service charge.
Residents can pay by Automatic Bill Pay from a bank account. There is no service charge for this option. Visit the Finance Department Window, which is located on the 1st floor, Northeast wing, of City Hall (800 Wilson Avenue, Menomonie, WI 54751) in person to fill out the paperwork.
Please note that City Hall, including the Finance Department, will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Also, the new Utility Bills look different. Water Utility charges, which were previously shown as a single line, have been separated into “Water” and “Water Base”. Sewer Utility charges have been similarly split into “Sewer” and “Sewer Base”. These are not new charges; they are just displayed separately. An example, with explanations, is provided below.

City of Menomonie media release.